Sick Kitties...
My babies are sick. Well three of them are, Ozzy has once again scared away any flu bugs who considered harrassing her. Did you hear about the cat who's on actual house arrest because he(?) keeps terrorizing the neighborhood? I thought one of the neighbors even took out a restraining order against the kitty. It reminds me of Ozzy. But when Inside Edition showed the cat inside his house, he seemed so nice and normal. Now if Ozzy had a cameraman and a reporter daring to enter her domain not only would she be hissing like the psycho she is, but they'd have to chase her all around the house to even tape her :) But you could only laugh as Ozzy runs because her belly's so fat that it jiggles back and forth. And if you're really lucky, when she runs and hisses at the same time she runs out of breath so it's these short funny stacato hiss hiss hiss hiss hisses. Ah Ozzy is very entertaining, but Anywhoooo...
My babies are sick.
It started with Tucker sneezing and watery eyes and then Havana got really sick. She was drooling almost constantly and sneezing and watery eyes not eating and sleeping all day and now Nori's sneezing. Tucker has been better for a few days and Havana is still sickly but is Finally starting to feel better. The past 2 mornings she's back to waking me up starting about 6:00A and every hour until I get up. Tucker and her were chasing each other around all evening yesterday. And the day Nori started sneezing he laid on my shoulder in bed and then sneezed all over me...twice. Ahhhh yes, that was nice of him :) Nori's still not feeling too good, but he's not any worse which is good.
Tennis is on! Yea!!