10 months...
Well it's been a little less then 10 months since the last post. Bad I know. I finally joined the Borg aka Google Accounts. Depressing, but we all must be assimilated.
Let's see. What's been going on since last I wrote. Work has been really good. Been busy and we're expanding.
I'm still taking hula--this January will be 2 years. Amazing enough. It's been fun and exciting, but sometimes I wish we did some performances. We've only had 1 performance since I've been taking and while it's fun learning new dances, I wish we had some motivation to learn them for a performance.
I've also recently joined a chorale. Makes me sound like a horse whenever I hear that word. I prefer choir more. But anyhoot, it's part of the Edmonds Comm College, so technically I'm a student again ^.^ Our first concert is Nov 8th, a patriotic one. After that is our Holiday concert on Dec 8th. It's been challenging and I only wish I had joined ages ago. I first found the choir about 6 years ago or so, but I didn't join. I'm one of those people who likes a strict instructor and I used to hate it when people would talk in class and disrupt everything. So I decided not to do it, just in case it was going to be like that and now I definitely wish I had joined. Oh well.
Jeff and I are going to Vegas next month for my cousin's wedding. Should be fun! Vegas isn't really my kinda town, but I haven't been since I was a kid so it'll be interesting.
As most of you know, Jeff and I bought our first place. It's a cute condo in Snohomish. It's almost brand new and the lady who moved in first was only here for about 5 months. So it's pretty exciting. And unlike our last place, our neighbors are quiet and very nice. Snohomish High is pretty close to us and we can see the football field from here. We got a free fireworks show last night.
That's about it really. Kitties are doing good. Oh and Ozzy actually likes our new home, she's being so nice and friendly! It's eerie really to be able to pet Ozzy and she'll sit there and purr at you. She's not completely sane yet, but much closer then before!! ^.^