Saturday, January 28, 2006


I see that Kelley hasn't updated this in a little while, so I guess I'll finally jump on this train and ride around for a little while. Speaking of trains, we went on one last weekend to the ol' Wenatchee. It was a fun trip although nothing's changed there. In fact, nothing ever changes there. Very status quo if I must say... but it's all good because that's what hometowns are suppoded to do... or not do.

Mom & Dad got a new big screen tv so we watched (we as in my dad, my brother and I... Kelley was upstairs watching tennis/sleeping) the Seahawks game. (Whooo... Hoooo....)

That is all for now...


Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I'm going to be an Aunty again!!!!!! My brother just called me to say that they're having another baby and the baby's due in September!!!! How exciting!! Wow, here I am saying I don't have anything to post and I find out I'm going to be an Aunty again.

I'm so excited. This is so cool...

Baby baby baby baby baby baby.

Train Ride...

Jeff and I are going on a train ride this weekend. We're going to Wenatchee for a couple days. Dropping off Jeff's parent's Christmas present. Should be fun! I've only taken the train once before a few years ago and while it was dark outside and no visibility, it sure was fun. And this time, we're taking the train home as well--Yes it's true! I'm going to wake up at 5:00A! You heard me right, 5 in the Morning. For anyone who knows me, they know how I like to sleep. The only plus to this is that I get to see the scenery finally.

The kitties are staying home to guard the place. (I guess really that it'll be Ozzy guarding the place and everyone else running and hiding.) Unfortunately, the only animals allowed on the train are seeing companions. I'll miss my babies.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Rest of the Family

Presenting the kids...

Ozzy looking as happy as always

Nori doesn't look happy

Tucker lounging

Havana deep in thought

Monday, January 16, 2006

1st Post...

Just a quick post to say hi. Hope this keeps people up with what's going on in our lives. Of course, not much is usually happening with us.